Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 17

"These won't be your rooms for long," the Dragon Queen said encouragingly. "You will soon move to the Princess Tower, with the crystal windows and the golden bathtubs. Those are the finest rooms in my fortress."

"Really?" I asked, hopeful.

"Oh yes," she replied. "Once you learn to look after your goblins, they can move in with you anywhere. For now, start here. You wouldn't want the Princess Tower to look like this after half a morning, would you?"

Monday, July 8, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 16

The Dragon Queen took a potted miniature rose offered by one of her minions and showed it to me.

"We borrowed this from your patio back home to freshen up your squalor for you. They used to brew goblin pickle beer in this room. Can you still smell it?"

"You're still sending goblins to my house?" I growled.

"Let's put it this way," she thought for a minute. "If we find a rotten moldy fuzzy plate that we want to keep a bit longer, we will portal to your kitchen and put it in one of your plastic containers at the back of your refrigerator."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 15

"Goblin barracks are not easy to clean," the Dragon Queen said as I looked around my new rooms.
"Oh really," I said. "Is it because goblins live here?"
"Not only that," she pointed to a pair of giant monsters lying comfortably on a heap of ragged underclothes. "The Skrats don't move once they nest, and they nest on pretty much anything that isn't warded. You know, like the invisible Skrats who made it impossible to pick up laundry in your old room back home."