Sunday, December 15, 2013

Guineveres and Such

Friday, December 6, 2013

New Digital Tablet

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snow Magic and the DMV

I took a number and waited my turn at the DMV last week, on the day before Thanksgiving, at the end of the month, to register the car before the grace period was over. During my wait, I was reading Polona's November 27 blog post, and it was really inspiring me. My phone was almost dead, so I decided to read until the battery died, which was at one percent -- so that would normally be three minutes maximum. My phone stayed at 1% while I read the entire post a few times, for over twenty minutes, until my number was called, in fact. It felt like a big message for me. She was discussing how to focus on creativity, even though life wants us to focus on what we are not as good at, like being productive and tidy and on time and chatty, but all of those things would not be so valued if we were already working from our flow:
I rather spend time in creative ways and express myself through my Soul Essence. I feel that everyone can do the same, and if more people would utilize their creative potential, there would be less need for discussions, and more work would actually get done. 
And when we get our snow like last week, and everything looks like this, it feels different and more easy to brush away those pressures. Right now, certain things have gotten a lot harder to fake easily, such as taking up someone else's cause and pouring time into broken processes. What if you are supposed to be bad at certain things right now, so it's more clear what is flowing to you and what is not?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Magical Magic


The Dragon Sleeps

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Heyyyy...Wait a Minute

A little tale, based on stuff at work. I know.

One of the most difficult parties who is most not aligned with certain efforts my party have to be involved in - brought in a special retirement cake for another party who has been working with that party on our behalf. It was very clear. It didn't have to be a cake. It could have just been both of those parties closing their gates, sending us and King Lear out into the storm.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sketchbook Pages

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 17

"These won't be your rooms for long," the Dragon Queen said encouragingly. "You will soon move to the Princess Tower, with the crystal windows and the golden bathtubs. Those are the finest rooms in my fortress."

"Really?" I asked, hopeful.

"Oh yes," she replied. "Once you learn to look after your goblins, they can move in with you anywhere. For now, start here. You wouldn't want the Princess Tower to look like this after half a morning, would you?"

Monday, July 8, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 16

The Dragon Queen took a potted miniature rose offered by one of her minions and showed it to me.

"We borrowed this from your patio back home to freshen up your squalor for you. They used to brew goblin pickle beer in this room. Can you still smell it?"

"You're still sending goblins to my house?" I growled.

"Let's put it this way," she thought for a minute. "If we find a rotten moldy fuzzy plate that we want to keep a bit longer, we will portal to your kitchen and put it in one of your plastic containers at the back of your refrigerator."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 15

"Goblin barracks are not easy to clean," the Dragon Queen said as I looked around my new rooms.
"Oh really," I said. "Is it because goblins live here?"
"Not only that," she pointed to a pair of giant monsters lying comfortably on a heap of ragged underclothes. "The Skrats don't move once they nest, and they nest on pretty much anything that isn't warded. You know, like the invisible Skrats who made it impossible to pick up laundry in your old room back home."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Oh. Summer.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 14

To cheer me further, the Dragon Queen explained, "Although nearly getting your face attacked did send you into my arms for a moment, there is another benefit for you."

I frowned at her.

"You command the Face Attackers now," she went on. "I thought you should know what it feels like."

Friday, June 21, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 13

The Dragon Queen asked, "What if I told you the Face Attacker would never have been allowed to frighten you if I had not been here to watch over you the whole time. Would you still be this upset?"

I stared at her for a while and then said, "Probably."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Court of the Dragon Queen - Part 12

"You must be tired," the Dragon Queen said as she led me down a dark corridor and opened a heavy wooden door. "This is your goblin squalor. You can rest in here and put away your things."

As she ushered me through the door, whatever was sleeping inside woke up and charged at my face, snarling.

It stopped when it saw my cloak and rolled onto its side in submission. But I was frightened and ran to her for protection.

"There, there," she soothed. "I'm sure no one meant to leave that in your room. But now that it's happened, we will hold you and comfort you in our arms until you feel better."

At that moment, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her wink at everyone else, as if to say, "Well done."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mermaid Monday