Friday, November 17, 2017

Digital sketch: kender girl

My wife is a kender in so many ways. Here is the kender girl sketch she inspired. I have gotten faster at inking, which must be why my inking has gotten worse. I have a very nice pressure-sensitive tablet and I work with Corel Painter, and yet this inking is so blocky. Maybe this can be the "before" and then after more practice, I'll post some "afters." She pretty though.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween Pretty

... and Cute.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Affirmation Poster: You Are Worthy because You Exist

In one of Anna Taylor's wonderful weekly energy readings this summer, she said the following. It resonates so much with the idea of how unconditional is the Love for You. It was off the top of her head as she was describing a card for the week, but it came out sounding so naturally loving and like the best affirmation.

"Not only are you worthy because you exist, but you are worthy because you exist."

The non-contingency after the "but" makes it pretty clear. 

Thank you Anna - this affirmation is beautiful. I made a poster with a magical blonde elf girl and quoted your affirmation. She is holding a baby water dragon because magic.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Digital Sketches: Star Wars Rebels Fan Art

Fan art sketches (season one) for Kanan, Ezra, sweet agent Kallus, Sabine, and Hera...

Friday, September 1, 2017

I Love You.

This little guy came up to sit by me on the couch the other night.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

BDevine Affirmations

Love finding specific and timely affirmations. BDevine at Devine Miracles creates weekly and monthly energy readings with guidance for handling the current energies. This one was in June, and it inspired me to create a piece quoting BDevine's Fire Signs reading for my Leo GF and her fox guide:

Monday, June 26, 2017

Solstice Affirmations

Made an affirmation composition last week for the solstice week. Added glitter star, heart, and crown to a messy watercolor gouache and glitter background. This paper doll (pencil and pastels) is. SO BEAUTIFUL. She just stepped onto it.

 I like the crowded lettering miscalculation.

A few weeks ago, I started making these pretties and leaving them on the counter for us during the week. A few more to come.